Gaeilge Le Spraoi 1

This course will provide teachers with a bank of games and digital resources which they can use in their classrooms to support the teaching of Gaeilge and the facilitation of the new Primary Language Curriculum. The course will give teachers the confidence to plan and create meaningful activities around the needs of their pupils with a focus on fun, child-led learning through games and digital technologies. Teachers will be enabled to set clear objectives for their games/ICT lessons and also equipped with the skills to adapt and assess these activities. The assignment aspects of this course will be hands-on and give teachers the opportunity to practice and demonstrate their new learning. The course will provide teachers with a renewed energy and approach towards the teaching of Gaeilge, which will support them in creating a classroom where a love for the language is fostered.#

Participants will be enabled to:

  • Reflect on their current practice of teaching Gaeilge
  • Identify the benefits and potential of using cluichí in their teaching
  • Set clear game objectives for their class using assessment and the Primary Language Curriculum as a support
  • Effectively adapt a variety of games to suit their Gaeilge theme, class level, pupil needs and differentiation
  • Create their own card games, board games, oral language games and physical games
  • Acquire a bank of games to use upon their return to the classroom (adaptable for all classes)
  • Increase their confidence around the use of cluichí  in the classroom
  • Develop an excitement and positivity around the planning for Gaeilge next year through the incorporation of cluichí
  • Explore a variety of online resources which support the teaching and learning of Gaeilge

Gaeilge Le Spraoi 2

This course will provide teachers with a bank of games and digital resources which they can use in their classrooms to support the teaching of Gaeilge and the facilitation of the new Primary Language Curriculum. The course will give teachers the confidence to plan and create meaningful activities around the needs of their pupils with a focus on fun, child-led learning through games and digital technologies. Teachers will be enabled to set clear objectives for their games/ICT lessons and also equipped with the skills to adapt and assess these activities. The assignment aspects of this course will be hands-on and give teachers the opportunity to practice and demonstrate their new learning. The course will provide teachers with a renewed energy and approach towards the teaching of Gaeilge, which will support them in creating a classroom where a love for the language is fostered.#

Participants will be enabled to:

  • Reflect on their current practice of teaching Gaeilge
  • Identify the benefits and potential of using cluichí in their teaching
  • Set clear game objectives for their class using assessment and the Primary Language Curriculum as a support
  • Effectively adapt a variety of games to suit their Gaeilge theme, class level, pupil needs and differentiation
  • Create their own card games, board games, oral language games and physical games
  • Acquire a bank of games to use upon their return to the classroom (adaptable for all classes)
  • Increase their confidence around the use of cluichí  in the classroom
  • Develop an excitement and positivity around the planning for Gaeilge next year through the incorporation of cluichí
  • Explore a variety of online resources which support the teaching and learning of Gaeilge

Movement, Sensory & Brain Breaks to Support Learning in Primary School 1

This new and innovative course will highlight and discuss the neuroscience behind why movement, sensory, brain breaks and drama games need to be an integral part of the school day. The information provided will enhance teaching and learning in the classroom and provide knowledge of how breaks can enable children to maintain focus, integrate learning across both of the brain's hemispheres, decrease challenging behaviour, build relationships and avoid feelings of overwhelm.

Participants will gain an in-depth insight into the difference between movement, sensory and brain breaks and be provided with a bank of resources to bring with them into the new academic year. Each module is motivating, relevant and child-centred and designed specifically with the constraints of classroom life in mind.

This experiential, reflective course is inclusive and suitable for ALL class levels including SEN. It is fun and exciting and packed with ideas, tools, actionable resources and strategies, that will empower your own teaching and learning.


Learning Outcomes

·        Participants will obtain basic knowledge on the underpinning neuroscience behind reaching the learning brain & why breaks should be an integral part of classroom life.


·        Participants will be learn about a variety of simple and effective ways to increase attendance in learning and will be given a bank of resources to utilise in the new academic year.


·        Enhance knowledge of the importance of movement, sensory & brain breaks to encourage class cohesion, enhance social and emotional skills, which will lead to children flourishing in the classroom environment.


·        Participants will critically reflect on their current practice and plan to incorporate change in their teaching methodologies in the new academic year.

Movement, Sensory & Brain Breaks to Support Learning in Primary School 2

This new and innovative course will highlight and discuss the neuroscience behind why movement, sensory, brain breaks and drama games need to be an integral part of the school day. The information provided will enhance teaching and learning in the classroom and provide knowledge of how breaks can enable children to maintain focus, integrate learning across both of the brain's hemispheres, decrease challenging behaviour, build relationships and avoid feelings of overwhelm.

Participants will gain an in-depth insight into the difference between movement, sensory and brain breaks and be provided with a bank of resources to bring with them into the new academic year. Each module is motivating, relevant and child-centred and designed specifically with the constraints of classroom life in mind.

This experiential, reflective course is inclusive and suitable for ALL class levels including SEN. It is fun and exciting and packed with ideas, tools, actionable resources and strategies, that will empower your own teaching and learning.


Learning Outcomes

·        Participants will obtain basic knowledge on the underpinning neuroscience behind reaching the learning brain & why breaks should be an integral part of classroom life.


·        Participants will be learn about a variety of simple and effective ways to increase attendance in learning and will be given a bank of resources to utilise in the new academic year.


·        Enhance knowledge of the importance of movement, sensory & brain breaks to encourage class cohesion, enhance social and emotional skills, which will lead to children flourishing in the classroom environment.


·        Participants will critically reflect on their current practice and plan to incorporate change in their teaching methodologies in the new academic year.

Sensory Play 1 – Supporting Teaching & Learning in Infant & SEN Classes

This innovative, reflective course aims to enhance and support teaching and learning in the junior/senior infant classrooms and in special education.

We are all sensory beings! We make sense of the world through our senses. We learn through our senses. The course is PACKED with simple, fun achievable ideas, tools, tips, advice and resources to empower your teaching.

Sensory play has countless benefits including the development of gross and fine motor skills, supporting language development, problem solving skills and social interaction.

Sensory play is important for brain development. This course will inform participants about our 8 sensory systems, and give ideas about how to support regulation in children; so they can reach the learning brain effectively.

Participants will learn about fidgeting, sensory play activities and sensory-based learning to enhance literacy and numeracy lessons. Participants will acquire information on valuable resources that will make sensory play part of your daily routine to support literacy and numeracy. This course will be experiential, reflective, interesting, exciting and fun

Sensory Play 2 – Supporting Teaching & Learning in Infant & SEN Classes

This innovative, reflective course aims to enhance and support teaching and learning in the junior/senior infant classrooms and in special education.

We are all sensory beings! We make sense of the world through our senses. We learn through our senses. The course is PACKED with simple, fun achievable ideas, tools, tips, advice and resources to empower your teaching.

Sensory play has countless benefits including the development of gross and fine motor skills, supporting language development, problem solving skills and social interaction.

Sensory play is important for brain development. This course will inform participants about our 8 sensory systems, and give ideas about how to support regulation in children; so they can reach the learning brain effectively.

Participants will learn about fidgeting, sensory play activities and sensory-based learning to enhance literacy and numeracy lessons. Participants will acquire information on valuable resources that will make sensory play part of your daily routine to support literacy and numeracy. This course will be experiential, reflective, interesting, exciting and fun

Considering Leadership

Are you a school leader, aspiring leader, ISM member or teacher wishing to consider what is involved in leadership in education? Then this course is for you. Learn about theory and practice with lots of ideas and suggestions on leadership practice for your classroom or school. Various facets of leadership will be discussed with practical ideas to implement. In addition, reference will be made to various circulars, and DES guidelines for leadership and management in schools. This course will also suit teachers who may be considering applying for posts in schools or those who wish to understand what school leadership entails.

Author: Paul Butler

Therapeutic Art in Education

This course will provide teachers with practical therapeutic art techniques for their own enhanced wellbeing and for use in the classroom. We will explore art making for wellbeing with experiential exercises, self-reflection and resources that demonstrate the therapeutic benefits of art making. Art making techniques and exercises will be linked to the visual art curriculum strands throughout and the course will equip teachers with knowledge and understanding in how to incorporate a more creative and holistic approach to art making in the classroom. We will also explore our own relationship with art making and engage in art making activities in each module.

Learning Outcomes:
- An understanding of the therapeutic benefits of art making.
- Practical therapeutic art making techniques suitable for use in the classroom.
- Practical therapeutic art making techniques suitable for teachers' own well being.
- A developed understanding of self reflective practice and it's benefits.

Author: Rachel Byrne

Nutrition for Wellbeing

This course aims to support you in enhancing your own wellbeing, by learning how to nourish your body and mind with delicious, easy and nutritious recipes. It will support your teaching of Nutrition in SPHE and the promotion of wellbeing in your school. In Nutrition for Wellbeing, we will explore the science behind nutrition and how to use food to enhance your mood and energy levels. We will explore a variety of resources and initiatives that will support you in teaching children about nutrition and healthy eating through the SPHE curriculum, which will equip them with key skills and knowledge to enable them to confidently make healthier life choices. You will learn how to support children in growing and preparing food at school and how to prepare a Healthy Eating Policy for your school. We will also explore a wide range of healthy lunch recipes for the busy teacher, and you will be invited to make some delicious, nutritious high energy snacks to bring with you to school!

This course aims to:

  • Enhance teachers’ understanding of the concept of healthy eating in order to support them in promoting wellbeing in the primary school.
  • Support teachers in teaching about nutrition and healthy eating through the SPHE curriculum, using a range of resources including the Walk Tall programme and resources from the HSE, in order to equip children with key skills and knowledge which will enable them to confidently make healthier life choices.
  • Enable teachers to support children in growing and preparing food at school through a variety of initiatives and resources, including Food Dudes, Incredible Edibles, and Safefood Tastebuds.
  • Enhance teacher wellbeing by encouraging participants to prepare healthy lunches for themselves through the provision of quick and easy recipes for the busy teacher.
  • Enable schools to support healthy eating practices by preparing a Healthy Eating Policy.
  • Raise awareness of the Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice as a means of engaging schools in the planning, implementation and evaluation of health-related activities under the school self-evaluation process. 


Wellness and Self-Care for Teachers

Self-care is not a reward for hard work, it is part of the process. It’s the careful repetition of simple habits, which work together to soothe you and make sure you’re at your optimum - emotionally, physically, and mentally. This course invites teachers and school leaders to recharge their batteries by focusing on fostering wellness through self-care. You will be invited to try out and adopt a range of self-care tools. The goal is to figure out which strategies work best for you. 


A range of practical wellbeing strategies are presented including: nutrition, hydration, sleep, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, time-management, creativity, outdoor therapy and goal setting. You will be enabled to come to a greater understanding of the concept of self-care, become more aware of your own self-care needs and take steps to enhance your sense of wellness. A wide variety of templates, tools and resources are presented in the course which participants can use to coordinate staff wellbeing initiatives when they return to school. The services provided by Wellbeing Together as part of the Employee Assistance Service are explored in depth. 


This course will enable participants to:

  • Understand the process of Wellbeing Promotion using the SSE process outlined in the Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice
  • Explore wellbeing from the teacher’s perspective and develop a toolkit for self-care.
  • Examine, explore and discuss the ways in which teachers can focus on self-care practices that will enhance and maintain a positive sense of wellbeing
  • Use a range of tools to enable teachers  to develop self-awareness and knowledge, build life skills and develop a strong sense of connectedness to their school and their community.
  • Explore the ways in which teachers can be as physically and emotionally well and healthy as they can be, by building their motivation and commitment to physical activity and informed lifestyle choices.
  • Explore resources that can be used to support their wellbeing including the Employee Assistance Service – Wellbeing Together

Life Coaching for Teachers

Learn about the theory and practice of Life Coaching Psychology.  Practice some of the most popular practical coaching activities and learn about their applications to your personal and professional development.  Amass a tookit of tools tips and tricks for use immediately in your classroom and your life!

This course is both reflective and practical in nature suitable for both teachers and school leaders to reflect on their own professional and personal practices, with a view to making improvements.  Participants will gain insight into the world of life coaching and will carry out some practical assignments and reflective tasks to aid teachers make better decisions, reframe challenges, encourage mindset growth, and become more self aware. 

With lots of practical ideas from the world of coaching, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Positive Psychology,  participants will gain a solid understanding of how coaching can have both a positive impact on their personal and professional development, and also on their future well-being.  

Author: Paul Butler

Keep Splashing – Teaching Water Safety in the Primary Classroom

Water Safety Ireland's Summer Course aims to give teachers the toolkit to confidently teach PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) programme. The course also supports the teaching of water safety as part of the Strand Myself, Strand Unit Safety and Protection (Personal Safety) in the SPHE programme.  It aims to increase teachers’ knowledge and awareness of water safety at sea, on inland waterways, on the farm, in swimming pools and at home, through the use of factual information and local  evidence of water safety incidents.  Teachers  will explore lesson content exemplars and teaching methodologies and provide a variety of resources suitable for teaching and discussing water safety.  Learn how water safety lessons can be evaluated and assessed and how it may be situated within the context of the school self-evaluation process. The course will also enable teachers to enhance their awareness of their own safety when in, on and near water

Effective Literacy Instruction in the Middle and Senior Classes

Teaching reading is rocket science! Providing effective research-based literacy instruction that meets the diverse learning needs of all students in middle and senior classes is incredibly challenging. In this course, teachers will consider the fundamentals of literacy instruction for older students and explore how to align classroom practices and instruction with the science of reading.  Participants will explore models of reading and consider how this aligns to the Primary Language Curriculum in a practical manner. Through a blend of knowledge and practical implementation, teachers will learn how to establish routines and procedures which elevate student voice and engagement across all curricular areas.  Topics include comprehension instruction, vocabulary, morphology, differentiated instruction, spelling, writing and cultivating a joyful reading community. In all areas, participants will examine both research and practice, while also availing of high quality resources to aid in implementation in middle and senior classes.  At the end of this course, participants will be more confident in cohesively planning effective instruction that aligns with the science of reading and most importantly meets the needs of all students.

Learning Outcomes

·        Identify and explore research-validated elements of literacy instruction in the middle and senior classes.

·        Develop an understanding of an effective programme of literacy development for middle and senior class pupils and the instructional implications for informing the whole school self-evaluation process.

·        Identify and examine approaches to develop students’ oral language and vocabulary both formally and informally. 

·        Develop an knowledge of the explicit nature of Comprehension Strategy Instruction across a variety of text genres and examine its use in all curricular areas.

·        Understand how explicit writing instruction can advance thinking across all subject areas.

Consider how assessment data can be used to inform literacy instruction and identify misconceptions.

Author: Treasa Bowe

Explore the Seashore-Creative Curricular Learning & Skills Development

The Explorers Education Programme online course aims to provide engaging activities, resources, and support for teachers to incorporate Marine Content through Science, Math’s, English, Geography, and the Arts into the class curriculum.

Launched in 2006, the Explorers Education Programme, funded and supported by the Marine Institute promotes ocean awareness, knowledge, and engagement, as well as supports ocean literacy and marine education in primary schools in Ireland.

By learning about the ocean literacy concepts; enabling us to understand the influence of the ocean on us and our influence on the ocean; as well as supporting engagement with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 12 and 14, teachers will be able to incorporate marine themes with a range of primary subjects and learning methodologies. Through a series of seashore focuses videos and activities participants will explore

  • Biodiversity, and adaptation to the life on the shore,
  • Sustainability fisheries and future of our coastal ecosystems
  • Environmental awareness and care, and design and make
  • Outdoor learning and planning fieldwork
  • Using ICT to bring the Ocean into the classroom
  • Methods for SSE and exploring work samples and self-reflection tools
  • The course provides teachers the opportunity to develop their individual and collective skills through the delivery of ocean literacy concepts and learning about the seashore online as well as through nature. The teachers will become proactive in:

  • Assessing their own abilities as well as positively contributing to understanding the importance of the ocean
  • Being able to communicate about the ocean in a meaningful way
  • Using these skills to make informed and responsible decisions regarding the ocean and its resources in line with SDG14

Based over 5 modules, participants will use a range of pre-recorded video content, teacher resources, workbooks, and lesson plans to complete tasks. On completion participants can request a pack of Explorers Educational Resources to be sent to their school.

For more information see

Learning outcomes

  • A broad range of cross curricular activities where they will develop their skills, ability and competency in active engagement
  • Inclusive discussion and opportunities for facilitating challenging conversations though online platforms moderated by e-tutors and course director

Author: Noirin Burke

Gramadach na Gaeilge do Mhúinteoirí Bunscoile

The course is for those who wish to consolidate what they know, to put a structure on knowledge that may be scattered. It is also for those who get lost in the seeming maze of grammar. It is to simplify to what needs to be known about Gramadach na Gaeilge and will assist in teaching this. It is not for someone who already has a keen grasp of gramadach na Gaeilge.