Addressing Fundamental Movement Skills for Autistic Students

Course Overview

This innovative course aims to enhance and support the teaching and acquisition of basic skills of movement for autistic students in classrooms and in special education. Movement is an essential component of everyday life. When we learn to move, we move to learn. Not only does movement enhance our physical wellbeing, it also enhances our social, emotional and cognitive wellbeing. However, skills of movement, motor skills, coordination and balance are often delayed or impaired for autistic students. This course is PACKED with simple, fun achievable ideas, tool, tips, advice and resources to empower your teaching and learning and to make the classroom a place of joy for all. This course will give participants hands on experience of the what, when, how and where of movement skill acquisition in an engaging and practical way. Movement breaks provide us all with quality time to regulate and further enhance learning and engagement.

Participants will learn about breaks, valuable skills and resources that will make movement part of your daily routine to support physical, emotional, social and cognitive wellbeing. This course will be experiential, reflective, interesting, exciting and fun.

Our learning outcomes

  • Enhanced knowledge of autism and fundamental movement skill development, its benefits and how effective it can be in the classroom - to support a child's overall development and learning.
  • Enhanced knowledge of different movements - what they are and how movement skill breaks can support regulation.
  • Enhanced skills, tools and resources for movement breaks/activities to support daily classroom life and physical, social, emotional and cognitive teaching and learning.
  • Critically reflect on participants’ current practice and how quality movement breaks can be incorporated to add to a child's learning experience.

About the Author

Dr Susan Crawford

Dr Susan Crawford is an Autism and Fundamental Movement Specialist. She works with educators, Sports organisations and provides one to one consultations addressing the development of movement skills for autistic children and adults. Susan has spent many years as a lecturer and researcher, has presented internationally on her work and is published in the field. Her GetAutismActive Online Resource Kit, online modules and in person webinars are used in education, health and disability settings, see Susan also provides in person workshops to schools, disability organisations and businesses. As well as her PhD in Autism and Movement, Susan has a Masters in Teaching and learning, a Diploma in Digital Learning, is qualified and has worked as a Sport & Exercise Scientist, a Registered Midwife and a Registered General Nurse. Susan is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship, The President’s Award, Digital Champion Award and more recently Clare Person of the Year Award. She is mother to Tomás her autistic son who she says is her greatest inspiration.

Course Access & Certification

This course runs from Monday 10th July - Friday 21st July.

Registration is now open and the last date for registration is Friday 7th July.

Access to the course closes at 5pm on Friday 21st July for all participants.


This course has two mandatory live online sessions which will be facilitated by the author, Susan Crawford. These sessions take place at the following times:

Monday 10th July, 2pm - 4pm


Friday 21st July 2pm - 4pm.

Note: In order to receive EPV certification for this course, the department of Education insist that you must be present at both live sessions . These sessions will take place over Zoom Meetings, and a link will be sent to participants on the morning on the live sessions.

This course is approved for E.P.V. certification by the Department of Education

By registering for this course you are agreeing to Mayo Education Centre's Site Policy for use of this website, available to view at the bottom of your screen.