Gaeilge Le Spraoi 1

This course will provide teachers with a bank of games and digital resources which they can use in their classrooms to support the teaching of Gaeilge and the facilitation of the new Primary Language Curriculum. The course will give teachers the confidence to plan and create meaningful activities around the needs of their pupils with a focus on fun, child-led learning through games and digital technologies. Teachers will be enabled to set clear objectives for their games/ICT lessons and also equipped with the skills to adapt and assess these activities. The assignment aspects of this course will be hands-on and give teachers the opportunity to practice and demonstrate their new learning. The course will provide teachers with a renewed energy and approach towards the teaching of Gaeilge, which will support them in creating a classroom where a love for the language is fostered.#

Participants will be enabled to:

  • Reflect on their current practice of teaching Gaeilge
  • Identify the benefits and potential of using cluichí in their teaching
  • Set clear game objectives for their class using assessment and the Primary Language Curriculum as a support
  • Effectively adapt a variety of games to suit their Gaeilge theme, class level, pupil needs and differentiation
  • Create their own card games, board games, oral language games and physical games
  • Acquire a bank of games to use upon their return to the classroom (adaptable for all classes)
  • Increase their confidence around the use of cluichí  in the classroom
  • Develop an excitement and positivity around the planning for Gaeilge next year through the incorporation of cluichí
  • Explore a variety of online resources which support the teaching and learning of Gaeilge