20 Inspirational Women in Irish History

Course Overview
This course looks at inspirational women in Irish history, many of which have been overlooked by the books. It is informative and interesting, choosing women that you may not have considered icons until now. It is a subjective choice and you may wish to suggest others – this can be done in the various Forums.
Learning outcomes
- Develop an awareness of the place and importance of specific women in Irish history as one aspect of the overall development of reading.
- Engage with the variables of comprehension for each of the women being studied.
- Use ICT as a means for developing historical research.
- Be enthused to bring their idea into their own classrooms and to share these ideas with other teachers.
About the Author

Art Ó Súilleabháin
Art Ó Súilleabháin practised as a primary school teacher, first in St. Pat’s School in Drumcondra and then as Principal of Burriscarra NS in Mayo.
He then went on to become the ICT Advisor for Mayo before becoming Director of Mayo Education Centre. He learned his Irish from the age of eight when he moved to Corr na Móna, having been brought up in Boston (USA).
He went on to publish a number of books in Irish for children before being co-author on a series of grammar books for children (published by in 2019). He taught Irish in the CUA, a university in Washington DC as part of the Fulbright programme in 2018/19. He now lives in the Gaeltacht, in Corr na Móna, Co. na Gaillimhe.
Course Access & Certification
This course runs from Monday 3rd July - Friday 18th August.
Registration is now open and the last date for registration is Wednesday 16th August.
Access to the course closes at 5pm on 18th August for all participants.
This course is approved for E.P.V. certification by the Department of Education
By registering for this course you are agreeing to Mayo Education Centre's Site Policy for use of this website, available to view at the bottom of your screen.